DIP_review_2_3 - Color image processing & Morphological image processing
1. Color image processing
1.1 Standard color spaces
1.1.1 RGB
- Blue
- Red
- Green
- 主要用于自身发光
1.1.2 CMYK
- Cyan = White – Red
- Magenta = White – Green
- Yellow = White – Blue
- Black = White – Red - Green - Blue
- 主要用于自身不发光,在照明条件下,吸收之后,反射的光谱
1.1.3 HSI/HSV
- 将RGB color model以对角线投影到2D平面,再将正六边形拉成圆形
- Hue 色调 主要是哪种颜色(波长determine)
- Saturation 饱和度 颜色的纯度,即混有多少白光
- Intensity/Lightness
- 将RGB color model以对角线投影到2D平面,再将正六边形拉成圆形
- Hue 色调 主要是哪种颜色(波长determine)
- Saturation 饱和度 颜色的纯度,即混有多少白光
- Value
1.2 Transform between color spaces
1.2.1 RGB to gray scale
- Maximum value:
- Average value:
- Weighted value:
1.2.2 RGB to CMYK
1.2.3 RGB to HSI
1.2.4 HSI to RGB
1.3 Color balance
1.3.1 White balance
- step 1
- step 2 , ,
- step 3
1.3.2 Max value balance
- step 1
- step 2 在每个channel中计算 的intensity的数目.
- step 3 在每个channel中从大往小找到的intensity得到
- step 4 , ,
- step 5
2. Morphological image processing
- key point:
(Structuring element, 与kernel十分类似)- def: small sets or sub-images used to probe an image under study for properties of interest.
- Selection
- Simpler than the image
- With boundary
- Convex
- Structures
- Origin
- Rectangular
2.1 Morphological Operation
2.1.1 Erosion 腐蚀
- , 其中表示结构元集合,表示结构元的origin
- 结构元要全部与图像重合,否则不进行erosion操作!!!
2.1.2 Dilation 膨胀
- 结构元至少有一个element与图像重合,否则不进行Dilation操作
2.1.3 Opening
- Effect:
- Smooth the contour of an object
- Break narrow bridges
- Eliminate thin structures
2.1.4 Closing
- Effect:
- Smooth the contour of an object
- Fuse narrow breaks and long thin gulfs
- Eliminate small holes
- Fill gaps in the contour
- step 1 首先利用erode来消除背景的小的噪声点
- step 2 再利用dilation来恢复变细的指纹纹路(此步骤也会恢复一部分背景噪声点)
- step 3 此时指纹纹路中会有孔洞,做dilation来填充孔洞
- step 4 恢复纹路大小,做erode
2.2.5 Hit - or - Miss Transform
2.2.6 Boundary extraction
- 𝛽 (𝐴) = 𝐴 − (𝐴 ⊖ 𝐵) 提取内边界 Inner border
- 𝛽 (𝐴) = (𝐴 ⊕ 𝐵) -A 提取外边界 Outer border
2.2.7 Hole filling
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