DIP_quiz_3 - Image segmentation

Q1 Thresholding

  • Factors affecting thresholding
    • Noise \rightarrow Distribution of image, hard to execute thresholding process
    • foreground ratio \rightarrow Distribution of image, hard to execute thresholding process
    • The uniformity of the illumination source \rightarrow Distribution of image, hard to execute thresholding process
  • Otsu’s method
    • 唯一需要注意的点在于,新的m1m2的计算,是需要重新计算组内的概率分布!!! 即P1m1+P2m2=mGP_1*m_1 + P_2*m_2 = m_G, 而不是m1+m2=mGm_1 + m_2 = m_G!!!

Q2 Image transforms

  • Direct component of Hadamard transformation is concentrated on the upper left first pixel
  • Haar wavelet transform

Q3 Chain code

  • Boundary following

Q4 Hough transform

  • List equations, substitute points, find intersections